Bellis perennis & Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum vulgare
Daisy Family (Asteraceae)
Daisies have long been used to treat wounds and sprains and the plant has also been referred to as bruisewort or woundwort; traditionally, the leaves and roots were used for this and for many other ailments. The young leaf of daisy is rich in vitamin C, containing 34mg of the vitamin per 100g herb, and was one of the wild plants used for nutrition during the siege of Sarajevo 1992 - 1995 (Redzic, 2010).
Daisy is known for its inflammation-modulating power that helps to relieve bruises and sprains, and some also consider it useful for joint pain. Traditionally the leaves and root were used for this, but more recently flowers have been used (Howard, 2021). Homeopathically, daisy is used for injury and trauma, similarly to arnica (McIntyre, 2012).
Daisy flowers have been shown to facilitate healing of wounds and decreasing scar tissue in animal models and have been traditionally used for this (Karakas et al., 2012). It can also help with other inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne. The root can be decocted (cooked in water) and can be used internally as a detoxifier to help with eczema (McIntyre, 2012).
One of the traditional uses of the leaves and roots of daisy was to ease stomach or intestinal distress, to stimulate appetite and digestion, and its leaves were used as a ‘pot herb’ and added to cooking in soups and stews (Howard, 2021).
Daisy has been used to support a healthy fever; expectorate or release phlegm; and alleviate sore throat (McIntyre, 2012, Howard, 2021).
Daisy leaves can be chewed to relieve ulcers in the mouth (McIntyre, 2012).
After childbirth, daisy can be applied externally to alleviate congested breasts or help heal perineal tears or wounds (McIntyre, 2012).
Oxeye daisy
Internal medicinal doses should be avoided in pregnancy as effects are unknown. Individuals allergic to Daisy family plants may react to daisies.
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